Monday, October 3, 2016

Stop Using This Hashtag Now

When the hashtag phenomenon exploded on the scene, I immediately fell in love. Witty, funny, intelligent statements in 30 characters, give or take. You would assume the lack of punctuation would bother my "English Teacher" style. Never! I believe in artistic liberties, and hashtags are one form of that.

However, there is one hashtag I refuse to use, and my skin crawls anytime I see it. You'll accuse me of being over-sensitive or dramatic, (I prefer the term "passionate"), but the truth is it's just plain rude.





What's up with our society's need to constantly compare ourselves to others in the first place? I just don't get it.

Secondly, you might be right. Maybe someone in your life is better than my someone, but is that my fault?

My ten minutes are up (#write31days), but let me leave you with this...

The #my______isbetterthanyours is an insensitive hashtag. It's absolutely amazing that you have wonderful people in your life, but not everyone is so lucky. And I'm not saying we shouldn't brag on those we love. But a sweet #weloveourgrandmother is just as effective, if not more so, than #ourgrandmotherisbetterthanyours. 

Let's ditch the comparisons! #mytwocents

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